The singular of "tattoos" is "tattoo." As in: My brother has lots of tattoos but I only have one tattoo.
One could get rosary tattoos when one goes to tattoo parlors. There are many tattoo parlors that offer rosary tattoos. They are Saved Tattoo, Three Kings Tattoo, etc.
That is the correct spelling of the plural of tattoo, which is tattoos.
There is no patron saint of tattoos or tattoo artists as the Church does not condone tattoos.
A 110% tattoo means that you get tattoos, usually all over your body, and then get more tattoos on top of your tattoos. What makes it significant is that you can get designs tattooed into your tattoos.
The plural form is tattoos. The plural possessive is tattoos'.
Patterns for famous tattoos can be sought from: Rank My Tattoos, Style Craze, Tattoo Johnny, Vanishing Tattoos, Worlds Style, Tutorial Chip, Sailor Jerry, Free Tattoo Designs, Tattoo Art, to name a few.
yes, he has tattoos
Mario Does Not have a tattoo on him.
From artists who do tattoos.
no he does not have any tattoos
There are many good sources of pictures with foot tattoos. This includes a good tattoo design book, sites dedicated to tattoos, tattoo blogs and forums on tattoos.