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yes depending on some conditions: - the caliber of the bullet

- the area hit (center of body mass will most likely result in a kill)

- the shock from being shot may result in death

- the person may die from a lack of medical attention to the wound

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Q: Can one shot from a pistol kill a person?
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A Derringer pocket pistol single-shot was used to kill Lincoln.

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Double tap Y then X 360 then shoot!

Can the weakest gun in the world kill a person?

In all likelihood, no. I have had a single shot pistol that fired ONE .12 caliber pellet of #6 birdshot using a cap- if would not penetrate a double sheet of cardboard at 10 ft. HOWEVER- MOST firearms CAN kill a person.

Can you die from one shot from a pistol?

Yes you can. It is all about where you are shot and how it is treated.

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The Flood of Halo: Combat Evolved is fairly simple to kill. Shotguns and other human weapons are very effective. Infection forms (the lil balloon things) are easy to kill and will die even if steped on. If there is a group in one spot, one shot will kill them all. Flood combat forms can be killed easily with the shotgun, assault rifle and the pistol. Flood carrier forms can be killed with 1 shot from the pistol, because the explode when shot, make sure they are not near you when you kill them.

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What level do you use the pistol in call of duty 3?

Personally I use it throughout all the levels. I'd prefer the m1911 because it is a one shot kill

What small gun can kill in one shot?

ALL real firearms can kill- in one shot.

What are some airsoft game types you can play with only four or five people?

Free For all is a fun game, but VIP is a better one. VIP is when one person has no gun or a pistol, that person is the VIP. Then one person is on their team with any type of gun, and must guard the VIP with their "life". They are know as the Guard. Then the third person is trying to kill the VIP. In order to be safe, you must kill the enemy, or reach the safe point. You can decide where the safe point is Rules: - If VIP is shot, you lose and the enemy wins. - If enemy shot, you win. - If Reached safe point, you win. - If guard is shot down, continue game but VIP is vulnerable. Hope this helps, Justin

What are the release dates for Snipers - 2002 One Shot - One Kill?

Snipers - 2002 One Shot - One Kill was released on: USA: 2002

What was the machine pistol?

A handgun that will fire more than one shot with one pull of the trigger.

What a asssist in call of dudy?

When you shoot someone on the opposing team and one person on your team kills the person you shot. It's short for assisted kill though