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Q: Can my account be sold to another collection agency?
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Can collection agencies sell your account to another collection agency?

yes and do all the time and the old agentcy will still show on credit report It can be bought and sold as many times as the agencys want to move it around

What goes to third party collections?

If a payday loan is over four yrs old and is sold to a 3rd party collection agency, can they file charges on you for a Bad Check? Or can they just serve you to request payment? The original debt company says i no longer own them!

What do you call a product that is sold to another country?


What happens if the property Title Insurance Co goes out of business?

A Title Company (the actual insurancer as in First American, Chicago, etc.) is regulated by a state's Department of Insurance. If the company dissolved, then they would have to follow the state's guidelines for closing. This is why a title company has to prove so much in reserves, liquidity, etc. to a state to even do business in a state. Typically, title companies are sold or bought out before they would ever go out of business. A Title Agency (the local agent who has an agency agreement with a title Company) must keep separate accounts for escrows/trust accounts. Ideally, if an agency closed its doors, all accounts would be reconciled and it could shut down with all Policies issued. If an agency shuts down and does not have the above issued addressed at the time of closing, the title company will complete the same, issue the Policies, etc. of the Agent/Agency or they may assign the same to another one of their Agents to be completed. Since ultimately it is the title company that is responsible for the issuance of the insurance, it is their responsibility to make sure that all policies sold by the agent are properly issued.

If you are a equity holder of a Farmers Cooperative and the business sells to another company what happens to your equity?

the name of equity would change only. as preveious co has sold the stakes to another company... this is the case of acquesition

Related questions

Can a collection agency continue to report a collection account to the credit bureau after the account is sold to another collection agency?

No, once a collection agency relinquishes their claim to the account by selling it they must remove all negative trade lines related to that account from your credit reports. Hope this helps ST

Do you have to pay the original balance on account that has been sold to collection agency?


What is a Derogatory public record or collection?

== == A Deragatory record is an account that has had a history of late payments. A collection account is an account that was not paid on time or at all, and was closed by the creditor and sold to a collection agency.

If your account is sold to a collection agency how to do you find out when it was sold and how old the account is?

When the collection agency contacts you, they have to give you the opportunity to request information concerning the debt. You will have thirty days to send a written request to dispute the debt. And to ask for confirmation of the original creditor, the amount owed, when the account was remanded to the agency, etc.

You had a credit card account which they charged off and sold to a collection agency ca Now you have that charge off which carries a balance and a CA collecting on the same debt What could you do?

It is unlikely that the account was "sold" to a collection agency. Rather, the agency was contracted to recover the debt. The "charge off" of the account only affects the original creditor, and represents a loss reported against the company's taxes. If the collection agency has attempted to recover the debt and has been unable to, the original creditor will likely pull back the account and refer it to another agency in hopes of greater success.

If a collection account was sold to another collection agency is it correct that they should both show up on your credit report as late payments?

When a collection agency sells your debt they no longer have any claim to your debt. It's like selling a car, once it is gone it is gone.

How do i find out if you have this account?

my credit car d wsa sold to another agency for collections the collection agency gave me your phone and said you have my account orginal crdiror legacy card card 4239801024374221 if you dont have it who does phone no please and co name thank you

Can collection agencies sell your account to another collection agency?

yes and do all the time and the old agentcy will still show on credit report It can be bought and sold as many times as the agencys want to move it around

If your bank charged off your bank account and was bought out by another company do you still have to pay?

yes the debt does not go away, the bank simply sold the debt to an outside collection agency.

When an old account is sold to another collection agency does the account become new again?

No. The state SOL begins approximately 6 months after the debt is defaulted upon. (Usually the last activity on the account). If any money is paid on the account, the debt is considered to be reaffirmed.

What do you do if an account was turned over to a collection agency but the original creditor accepted your payment in full?

Contact the original creditor. Provide proof of your payment. They need to retract the account from the collection agency. The account could have been sold to the collection agency or simply assigned to them. For your purposes, it does not matter which situation applies. You paid the original creditor and your credit report needs to reflect this. After they do what they need to do to get the account back; you then dispute the entries with all three credit bureaus. The original account should show as a paid collection and the other collection account should be removed from your credit report entirely.

I have a collection for a doctor's bill from 2003 on my credit report I just noticed that they reposted the same bill on my credit report and changed the date to 2008. Can they do that?

sounds like might have sold the account to another collection agency--dispute it after the 7 years is up to get it removed