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Marijuana causes hunger known as the munchies. When a person has the munchies they tend to crave their favorite foods, snacks or treats. The munchies also effect people who are experiencing nausea. The marihuana helps ease the nausea and the munchies stimulates the appetite. This is why cancer patients who are normally unable to eat are given medical marijuana.

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Q: Can marijuana effect a child to crave sweets?
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Can eating lots of fish make you crave sweets?

no fish is a type of protein which means it fills you up if you don't eat enough protein you get hunger pangs and signals get sent to your brain telling it your hungy which tends you to crave high calorie foods so fish is least likely to get you to crave sweets

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well there is some sort of chemical in the sugar in sweets the public jus cant seem 2 get e-noth of

Do people crave for marijuana during withdrawal?

Cannabis causes no withdrawals.

Usually I like sweets but dont wanna eat any today?

Sweets are addictive. The more u eat them, the more you crave it.

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Smoking releases dopamine in the brain which then activates reward circuit responses. When you smoke marijuana and tobacco together your body associates both of them with the feel of nicotine, making you crave marijuana as much as you would crave nicotine if you tried to quit tobacco.

Why does your child crave sugary foods and drinks?

Its not because they are children but, because in the new century that they were born in, sweets and junk just happened to seem "normal" and they will see a lot of it advertised. when a child firsts taste the sugary foods. Its not always likely that they will crave for the sweets. However it is the side effects that make the crave worse not always the taste. the level of sugar or sweeteners added to the drinks create energy once taken into the bloodstream. When that energy has ran out. You feel really tired, but you are actually feeling the same from when you didn't drink it. like alcohol i suppose. you crash and you decide to take it again... hope this helped! Good Luck

Does gabapentin cause you to gain weight?

Yes..Gabapentin can cause weight gain.It causes me to eat more often and crave for sweets.

Does pain medications cause you to crave sweets?

lord no that is just your head and u never take medicines when you dont need them now that will makew you really hungry all the time

Why do you crave food before your period?

u crav3 cuz u b so hongry lil erthang n site luk gud 2 u. ii alwayz crave fuud on mii p3riod. hop3 dis h3lp ur problm

If I'm addicted to sweets and constantly crave them, does this mean that I have some type of brain disease?

Well, just because a person tends to have a special craving for certain sweets, it doesn't necessarily indicate that they are ill or have some type of disease. However, there is also the option of going to a doctor for a check-up if the person with the sweets addiction is uncertain or unsure about themselves.

Why does your body crave eggs when hungover?

My body does not crave eggs when hungover. It craves marijuana. Eat something, drink about a liter of water and take a pain reliever the night before, and you won't be hung over the next day. ;-)

Does add medicine affect your craving to smoke marijuana?

This is a question that will very from person to person. In my experience yes, ADD medicines (usually a blend of amphetamine salts) does make me crave marijuana or other depressants to counteract the speeding up of my system caused by the stimulant.