== == It depends on whether or not you increase in appetite, some smokers do not and lose weight, while many get the, "munchies" and increase coloric intake causing weight gain. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205. Six adult male research volunteers, in two groups of three subjects each, lived in a residential laboratory for 13 days. All contact with the experimenter was through a networked computer system and subjects' behaviors, including food intake, were continuously recorded. During the first part of the day, subjects remained in continuously recorded. During the first part of the day, subjects remained in their private rooms doing planned work activities, and during the remainder of the day, they were allowed to socialize. Two cigarettes containing active marijuana (2.3% delta 9 THC) or placebo were smoked during both the private work period and the period of access to social activities. Smoked active marijuana significantly increased total daily caloric intake by 40%. Increased food intake was evident during both private and social periods. The increase in caloric intake was due to an increased consumption of snack foods as a consequence of an increase in the number of snacking occasions. There was no significant change in caloric consumption during meals. The principal increase within the category of snack foods was in the intake of sweet solid items, e.g., candy bars, compared to sweet fluid, e.g., soda, or savory solid items, e.g., potato chips. Increases in body weight during periods of active marijuana smoking were greater than predicted by caloric intake alone. i hope so! When I began to smoke so alot daily, I lost 9 lbs. in two weeks. So I guess so?
The marijuana itself has no influence on your weight gain/loss. Marijuana does, however, cause an increase in appetite and that again may lead to weightgain.
Marijuana may cause memory loss.
Marijuana has no effect on weight gain or loss. Most gain weight because they get hungry when there high
No, it doesn't make you lose weight. It also does alot of other harmful things to your body and your brain. Marijuana today has more chemicals and is more dangerous than the marijuana 20 years ago. it takes away the urge for food. u eventually lose weight due to that
Tenex is a blood pressure medicine and has not been shown to cause weight loss. Just the opposite, it has been known to cause weight gain.
Marijuana is well known for increasing the appetite and so should not feature in your diet plan.
The only way tobacco can cause weight loss is if you chain smoke & don't eat.
An over active thyroid can cause weight loss an underactive thyroid can cause weight gain
Marijuana causes weight GAIN not loss. A common side effect is "the munchies", where you ravenously devour anything that resembles food. Marijuana is frequently used by AIDS victims to help give them an appetite.
it is possible He could be using an amphetamine such as cocaine which can cause loss of appetite.
It does