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Q: Can marijuana cause bi polar
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Do Marijuana causes mental problems?

NO!! It cures them. It is an approved condition in Colordo (Bi-Polar..Anxiety)

Does marijuana cause Bipolar disorder?

Anything can be used as an excuse for illegally smoking marijuana. There are a few studies related to marijuana and bi-polar conditions, but I am not aware of anything conclusive that has been published.

When was Bi-polar Poems created?

Bi-polar Poems was created in 2006.

When was Bi-Polar Blues created?

Bi-Polar Blues was created in 1999.

How do you insult a bi-polar person?

It is not good to insult anyone regardless if they are bi-polar or not.

What estrogen in males contributes to ed?

Too much saturated fat and sugar can cause estrogen levels to rise. Also, the use of marijuana and cocaine can lower testosterone levels. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by anti-depressants and bi-polar meds. Also, pain meds can cause ED.

Can you develop bi-polar disorder at age 60?

You can develop bi-polar disorder at any age.

What is bi polar disease?

It is a mood disorder that consists of drastic mood swings, that are at both sides of the pole. Either depression or mania. Rarely in between. Hence the name, BI POLAR. Manic depression is another reference to bi-polar disorder. ( BI=both POLAR=pole )

Can bi polar disorder get confused with PMS symptoms?

not likely, PMS has obvious organic cause, bipolar doesn't.

Does having bi-polar type 1 qualify you for disability?

does bi-polar type 1 qualify you for disability

Ecstasy is a good drug for bi-polar people?

ecstacy is not good for anything especially not for people with a bi-polar disorder.