can half thyroid removal cause migraines
It isn't. Too much usage though, can cause migraines and such if you've been staring at the screen for too long.
The "dents" in your skull are the joints between the different bones that compose it. They do not cause migraines.
No, it does not.
shoes are weapons that cause migraines and yes they do cause migraine's.
no it canot
the dilation of blood vessels is one of of the three things that cause migraines. the nervous system and genetics also submit to the problem. if you want to learn more about what to eat and drink to prevent migraines, go to
Because one of the triggers which can cause migraines are the hormones which change during the menstrual cycle.
Yes, there are studies that show potassium nitrates can trigger migraines. It really all depends on how your body handles the substance and may not cause migraines in some people.
The weather can cause chronic migranes such as too long in the sun or high humidity. Oversleeping can cause migraines and so can lack of sleep. Caffeine withdrawal is also a common factor in chronic migraines.
no but in can cause severe headaches like migraines
Certain preservatives can trigger migraines or make them worse. Improper diet can also increase the risk of having a migraine.