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Yes, LEGO pieces can go in water, it will not harm them, but may remove decals .

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Q: Can legos go underwater
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Do they sell dbz LEGOs?

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Where can you create LEGO animations?

Either with a video camera and Legos, or get a game recorder, such as FRAPS at and then go to They aren't affiliated with Legos at all, but its an extremely similar video game compared to Legos.

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How do you get underwater in Pokemon Diamond?

There is no possible way to go underwater in Pokemon diamond. You could only go underwater in Pokemon ruby, sapphire and emerald. There is no possible way to go underwater in Pokemon diamond. You could only go underwater in Pokemon ruby, sapphire and emerald.

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No because you can't go underwater on the sims. No because you can't go underwater on the sims.

Can you go underwater in pearl?

No, you cannot use Dive in Pokemon Pearl to go underwater.

Are there Avatar legos?

No, there are not Naruto legos.

Where is the key in the underwater cave in Pokemon emerald?

go to route 127 and 128,then go underwater.

Are LEGOs safe?

If you are purchasing Lego for a young child, like 4 and under, you should probably go with the big block legos (duplo) because you can't really choke on those.

How do you pick up underwater items in Pokemon Heart Gold?

You cannot go underwater in HeartGold. You could go underwater in Sapphire, Emerald, and Ruby, but not in HeartGold. Items are not underwater in HeartGold, either.

Can Webkinz go in water?

Yes webkinz could go underwater but first you have to buy a underwater webkinz pet if you don't know what a underwater webkinz pet its just a webkinz pet that lives underwater.

How do they package LEGOs?

They sort out certain legos, put them in bags, and then in boxes.