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Incense, as in the kind burned to release a fragrant smoke, has been linked to various kinds of cancer, so yes, even just inhaling burning incense can cause you to have cancer which can kill you.

Herbal incense (aka K2, Spice, synthetic cannabis, synthetic marijuana), has not been officially studied. However, reports describing the adverse effects include hypertension, tachycardia, myocardial infarction, agitation, vomiting, hallucinations, psychoses, seizures, convulsions, and panic attacks. One death and possibly others have been linked to synthetic cannabis use.

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Q: Can incense kill you if you smoke it?
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Will incense smoke wasps?

It is possible to smoke out wasps with incense. However, the job would require a lot of incense, and sticks are much cheaper.

Does smoking serenity now herbal incense kill you?

I don't think there is proof it can kill you, but nor have side effects been documented. Smoke at your own risk.

Does incense burning kill bacteria?

Many types of incense have antibacterial properties and can be used as a disinfectant to kill germs in the environment. In a recent Chinese study, incense was used to sterilize a hospital ward and was found to be just as effective as more standard means of sterilization such as using steam. By keeping your environment sterile, you can prevent infections and disease. Because many herbs, such as Myrrh, also act as antiseptics, gathering the smoke from certain types of incense and rubbing it over a wound may actually help the wound heal faster since the smoke can kill germs on the wound.

Can incense smoke stain walls?


Will incense set off a smoke alarm?

Any type of smoke, steam or particles denser than air will set off a smoke alarm. This means that smoke emitted from the incense will set off a smoke alarm when in range of the detector.

Is it safe to smoke ganja herbal incense?

it is not safe to smoke anything... at all

What is legal smoke?

Legal smoke is smoking "incense". They found a way to derive the active ingredients in marijuana and put into a legal form. Then it is mixed as an incense or "Spice".

Is mdma and herbal incense bad to combine?

ummm herbal incense u dont smoke those buddy

What is another word for a substance which gives off smoke?


Can you smoke black cobra extreme herbal incense?

Yea it can.

Why is incense burned in Hinduism?

Incense is burned in many religions. The aromatic smoke is believed to be pleasing to the gods and carry your prayers to them.

Is incense smoke harmful to babies?

Yes the smoke hurt their eyes