No, you have to use the laptop charger which is supplied with the computer
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Yes you can use the iPod Charger or any usb to ac
If you own a Cingular razor charger you are stuck with the charger it comes with or a replacement charger. The charger it comes with is the only type of charger it can use therefore you cannot use any other type of charger with the Cingular razor.
It's a personal computer for mobile use.
How can I restore my files from a disc TO a laptop
You click shift 5 times consecutively
All ipods have the same type charger so any ipod charger will work with any ipod
Yes, any charger that fits a DSi can be used to charge a 3DS, 2DS or New 3DS, they all use the same charger.
You can use any ipod charger for any ipod but the ipod shuffel charger only works for the ipod shuffel.
Any 12 volt battery charger will work just fine.
I wouldnt recommend it. You never know wht could happen to your phone using a cheap charger or a charger that matches all phones the best bet is ordering one from apple.
You would have to use one from another rear-drive configuration (another Charger, 300, etc)