

Can i date a 17 year old in Texas?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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12y ago

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There are no laws about what age you have to be to date, so it is legal. There are laws about sexual activity and depending on the state. In most places you have to be at least 16 to consent, if not 17 or 18.

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yes. Your both minors.

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Yes because 16 is the youngest that someone can date.

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Anyone can date anyone. Sex may be a crime, though.

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No, the age of consent in Texas is 18, but a 17 year old can have sex with someone who is 2 years older but no more. Since the 17 year is considered a minor it would be statutory rape.

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It may be ok to "date" a 17 year old, but having a sexual relationship with her is illegal and is called statuatory rape.