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A person convicted of ANY felony is prohibited from owning a firearm in ANY state- this is a Federal law. However, some persons that have completely discharged their sentences for a STATE crime MAY petition to have their civil rights restored by the state. For the process to do that, you need a West Virginia attorney to advise you. Possession of a firearm by a felon that has NOT had the right to possess a gun restored is a Federal felony, good for 5-10 years in a Federal prison. Really- see an attorney for this one- not WikiAnswers.

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Q: Can felons of non violent crimes own a handgun in West Virginia?
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No. Felons may not own, possess, or have access to firearms - no distinction in the law is made between violent and non-violent felons.

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It depends, and there are two parts to the answer. Generally speaking, felons cannot own or even possess handguns, and no state will issue handgun permits to felons. UNLESS: The felon has had his or her rights restored. In that case, yes, it is possible for a felon to obtain a gun permit.

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Yes, felons can have a passport depending on the type of felony. Often, violent felonies or felonies that were international including drug trafficking will make it impossible to get a passport.

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It depends entirely on the crime. Many things are felonies that should not be. A felony can be as minor as driving with a suspended license, or any number of non-violent crimes. These people pose little risk. A violent felon, a kidnapper, a burglar or drug dealer represent an on-going danger to the community and should be carefully examined before parole.

What company's in Virginia hire felons?

Depeneds on your area but check with the local probation office they usually can provide a list with phone number of places that hire felons.