The maximum range of shotguns that they can only shoot up to 50 meters to 125 meters away.
Due to the range of shotguns and rifles that shotguns have more useless range than rifles. Shotguns have very poor bullets due to close range weapons. They can only shoot at the maximum range of 50 meters to 125 meters away while rifles can shoot at the maximum range of 800 meters to 1, 400 meters away. Some rifle can reach up to 1, 000 meters to 2, 200 meters away. Shotguns are only for close range combat while rifles are for long range combat. Rifles have more useful range than shotguns. Rifles are much more powerful and 4 to 5 times more accurate than shotguns. Shotguns are less accurate and have extremely poor penetrating power to body armor while rifles have excellent penetrating to body armor.
Most cheaper shotguns dont, but if you get a tri-shot they will shoot 3 at a time. They usually run about 60$ and are a good short range gun.
Rossi is coming close with a single shot rifle ( the wizard) with interchangable barrels. They boast 21 different combos and include shotguns. As far as a gun that can shoot everything from a 17 HMR to a 50 caliber bullet the answer is no.
With double triggers YES
yes it has a cool part that helps it shoot faster and farther too.hope you like it
some shoot far and some dont so they all dont shoot the same length
Definately not. I can't think of any offhand that can, but if it is not marked on the barrel then it cannot shoot them.
They stopped selling guns / Shotguns in the mid 1980's
Shotguns fire shot shells. Handguns can fire specially made shotshells.
Smoothbore shotguns can fire less lethal projectiles, such as beanbags.
52000 shoot guns a year ronging bettwean 500 to 5000 dourlers