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Yes in some cases. No in some cases. It depends on the severity of a fall, and its affects on the womb.

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Q: Can falling while pregnant can cause miscarriage?
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Cause Damage to fetus possibly miscarriage

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If an accidental pregnancy occurs, the Nuva Ring should not cause a miscarriage.

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yes,miscarriage is a great risk of a 3 week pregnant woman.

Can yoga cause a miscarriage?

Yoga doesn't cause miscarriages, however if you are pregnant, practicing yoga and worry it might cause you a miscarriage, my advice is always: DON'T PRACTICE. While it may be illogical that you think that, if you do think yoga increases your risk, then if you have a miscarriage you may blame yourself and your practice.

Will flying while pregnant lead to miscarriage?

Flying will not cause you to miscarry. Not unless you were thrown across the plane from science fiction turbulents.

Can you have a miscarriage while being on your period?

No because if you are on your period you are not pregnant.

What is th earliest time you can have a miscarriage while you think you are pregnant?

You can have a miscarriage at any time during a pregnancy.

Does implanon increase risk of miscarriage?

After you have the Implanon implant removed, there is not a high risk of miscarriage. If you get pregnant while on the implant, there is a increased risk of miscarriage.

Can tanning in a tanning bed cause a miscarriage?

You won't get a miscarriage if you tan. I currently work at a tanning salon and we must know if you are pregnant so that we can inform you to stay hydrated. Tanning beds dehydrate you and so does being pregnant, so if you do go tanning while pregnant be sure to stay hydrated!

Are you more likely to have a miscarriage after birth control?

No, there is no increased rate of miscarriage for women who are pregnant while taking birth control or who get pregnant after stopping birth control.

Do laxitives cause a miscarrige?

While it is not very likely that ex-lax would cause a miscarriage, it is possible. The cramping which laxatives cause could theoretically cause uterine spasms and lead to a miscarriage. It would be best to talk to your doctor if you are having difficulties.