Dry humping implies no body fluids were exchanged, no skin to kin contact or intercourse took place. This means no pregnancy.
yes, if a woman dry humps anything, she could easily get pregnant.
Considering dry humping is with clothes on....no
No, you will not loose eggs by pseudo or actual sex.
Dry-humping the Cash Cow was created in 1994.
Are you implying that you want him to stop dry humping and start having actual sex?
No. Aids is caused by the transmission of blood or semen from an infected individual and "dry humping" is by definition dry, with no fluid exchange.
Dry humping probably feels better without clothes. But the preference depends on the person, so you might want to try it both ways.
Please refrain from asking questions on this site, please see a doctor
They can be the same as the "non-dry" positions.
Dry humping
Safe, and effective.
Wet humping, also known as dry humping, refers to rubbing the genitals against each other while both partners are clothed. It can be a form of sexual activity that doesn't involve penetration or direct skin-to-skin contact.