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Yes, dogwood can be used to make a pipe,but it would take great skill!

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Q: Can dogwood be used to make a smoking pipe?
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What are smoking pipes used for?

Smoking pipes are used for a variety of things. They are most commonly used for smoking pipe tobacco, but there are many who use them to smoke marijuana.

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Denna tobaksvara is used for smoking in a pipe or cigarette.

What is the use of pipe?

There are more than one kind of pipe. To which you want to know, is only a guess. A pipe is a tool used for smoking tobacco. It is a tubular device used for liquid flow.

What does the word hashpipe mean?

Hash pipe is a pipe used for smoking things called hashish, pot, weed, marijuana, or weezer.

Verse in Bible about dogwood cross where Jesus was crucified?

The Bible does not indicate what kind of wood that the cross is made of. Furthermore, the cross could not have been made from a dogwood tree because dogwood trees do not grow in Israel.

What materials are used to make a Bladder pipe?

I believe pigs are used to make the bladder part of the bladder pipe

Is rolling tobacco suitable for smoking pipe?

yeah any kind of tobacco can be used if it can stay in the bowl

Is midwakh legal?

A 'midwakh" is a smoking pipe which originated in Iran/Persia and is used to smoke tobacco or leaves of various mixtures. By itself, the pipe (the midwakh) is legal to possess.

Why are pipe cleaners called pipe cleaners?

The "Pipe Cleaners" most often encounter by people, intended for arts and crafts, are about 12 inches long and made from a plastic based material for the fluffy parts and wire. Nowadays they are often referred to as crafting stems or chenille stems. Pipe cleaners used for cleaning pipes, the smoking apparatus not the plumbing variety, are closer to 8 inches long and made from one 100% cotton. They are used to clean the soot/ash and moisture from steam and spittle that accumulates in the pipe's stem and bowl during smoking. Failure to use a pipe cleaner after smoking can result in a build up in the pipe that give the smoke a sour taste as well as clog the pipe's stem.

What is pizo?

Pizo might refer to a glass pipe that is used for smoking drugs. It might also refer to a steel corporation.

What does huka mean?

A hookah is a type of pipe used for smoking opium or weed.Answerprobably in reference to middle eastern smoking device,drugs, tobacco etc.Huka means foam, foam falls

Which pipe used in concrete pipe?

A concrete mixture of sand, cement, and small gravel is used to make the concrete from which the tubular concrete pipe is made. The pipe is made of concrete.