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My doctor gave me this for the same (irregular periods) and I was having a cyst in my left overy.

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Q: Can deviry 10mg be used for irregular periods?
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Why are my periods irregular when they used to be normal?

your period will never be the same everytime

Can taking i-pill between primount N medication will delay periods When later is taken to cure the problen of irregular periods What are the chance of pregnancy?

When the i pill is used, it can delay the periods and the chances of pregnancy are low.

How long do you have irregular periods when you have only just started your periods?

When you begin having periods, your body is getting used to it just like how you learned to ride a bike. You may experience irregular periods for the first year or so because your body is just getting used to it all (like how you were wobbly for the first bit of learning to ride a bike). Don't worry-things should straighten out! If you feel that something is very wrong, you should visit either your family doctor or gynecologist. When you get on track your periods should be from 3-7 days. If you are lucky you could get 3.

Is there something wrong with you if one month you have your period once and the next month you have it twice and I've never had sex?

This sounds like you are experiencing irregular periods. Irregular periods are very common and they can arrive any time. Sometimes you may not have a period for several months (in severe cases) and other times it can arrive any time. You will need to see your Doctor to determine if you're experiencing irregular periods or whether this is hormone related. Please note this is advice only & should not be used in place of a doctors evaluation.

What is amirol 10mg use for?

what is amirol used for

What is the medical term meaning irregular menstrual period?

Amenorrhea is the medical term that usually refers to three or more missed periods. It's sometimes used to mean just one missed period.

What is a period pill?

I think what you're referring to is the birth control pill. Doctors sometimes prescribe the birth control pill to women who have irregular periods in order to help get their periods regular. There is no specific pill out there strictly for periods, unless you are thinking of Midol which is used to combat PMS symptoms like cramps.

Does hyperthyroidism have an effect on menstruation?

Yes, it does. Uncontrolled ie untreated hyperthyroidism may cause irregular periods of shorter duration than is normal for the woman in question. The irregular period is also associated with lower fertility. Hyperthyroidism will not cause painful periods if the woman used to have pain-free ones previously. And as soon as the medication is working, her period will start to go back to normal.

Is irregular a linking verb?

No. Irregular can be used as an adjective or a noun but not a verb.

Can i you still get pregnant by yourself if you got pcos?

It will probably take longer to conceive if you have PCOS. Chances are your periods are irregular which means you aren't ovulating, which means you can't get pregnant. Talk to your doctor about how you can regulate your periods with diet and medication (Metformin is a common treatment). Clomid can also be used to induce ovulation. Don't lose hope though, you can get pregnant with PCOS, it just may take longer.

Is used in finding the volume of irregular soids?

Water displacement is used to find the volume of irregular solids as discovered by Archimedes

Why is keyboard keys are irregular?

They are irregular because they are based on which letters are used often together.