Dental xrays are not harmful to you or your baby. So, you do not have to worry about hurting yourself or your baby. They are completely safe and recommended if you need one done.
Dental granuloma can be eradicated by surgery. The lesion is cut out, the affected are is cleaned of dead tissues and scaling is done to remove any irritation sources. If the dental granuloma occurs during pregnancy, it is best to leave it alone till after delivery of the baby as it tend to recur when removed during pregnancy. The lesion will resolve by itself or decrease in size and undergo fibrosis.
If your ocular surgery is done in localanesthesia, it is safe in pregnancy.
Pap smears are done to detect cervical cancer and precancerous changes in the cervix. They are typically done during the earlier part of pregnancy, but may be done later if not done early.
Ultrasound is safe as it does not use radiation such as traditional xrays do. X-rays cannot be done because can cause damage to the fetus. However, ultrasound uses ultrasonic waves that are not harmful and can produce very clear pictures of a developig fetus.
Ask doctors, personal physician.
Chorionic villus sampling can be done at the 8th week. Amniocentesis cannot be performed until the 14th week of pregnancy.
just drink salt water
Yes, unless your doctor has advised you otherwise.
No you should not have a mammogram during pregnancy at all. If the doctors think there is a reason to examine your breast tissue there are other tests, like an ultrasound that can be done. (Besides double ouch!!) If you had a mammogram before you were aware of the pregnancy, discuss the possible problems with your doctor or midwife.
Cheap dental work can be done in Miami at Miami Dade College by dental students. It can also be done at Dental Care Group and Bal Harbour Smiles Dentistry.
This can be done after 10-12 weeks of pregnancy using a procedure called chorionic villus sampling (CVS).