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Q: Can cs seamless pipe use as a gun barrel?
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Can be use Seamless pipe in steam boiler?

Yes as seamless is always better

What is the difference between hot finish seamless pipe and cold drawn seamless pipe?

A cold drawn seamless pipe has better dimensional tolerance, a higher surface finish and better mechanical properties than an equivalent hot finish seamless pipe. For applications that can make use of the thinner pipe walls and closer tolerances, a cold drawn seamless pipe is the better option.

What barrel do I use for rifled slugs?

a slug is normally use in a shot gun and they are not rifled a gun with a rifled barrel should shoot a Shell that is the same caliber as the gun.

Do you need an ion barrel to use the gun?


How do use shields on tanks?

The gun shield on a tank is the place where the barrel of the weapon enters the turret from the outside. It elevates with the gun tube (barrel).

Can you use 68 caliber paintballs on a 50 caliber gun?

No. They will be too large to fit in the gun or be fired out of the barrel.

How do you get a replacement Nerf longshot barrel?

You can use the N-strike Recon CS-6 barrel (good gun, I recommend it)

Can you use spray paint on a gun barrel?

probabaly i guess u could

How do you date Remington sportsman shot gun by serial no?

You don't, you use the barrel code. If you don't have the original barrel you can try calling Remington.

How do you remove oil from gun barrel?

Use a cloth swab threaded through the tip of a gun cleaning rod and swipe it through the barrel. Then take a clean one and do it again until all the oil is removed.

Where can I trade my break barrel pellet gun for a pcp air gun?

You can't. You will have to sell your old air gun, then use the money towards a new PCP air rifle.

Can a blank gun use real ammo?

No, the barrel us obstructed. A real bullet would shatter it, but a real gun will also fire blanks.