Only if the guy is really upset about condoms, or possibly if it takes ages getting it on. In reality it's more of an excuse than a reason.
No. Erections are not linked to constipation.
A time machine to go back to 1849. Bring condoms and hookers. And a pickaxe. To kill the hookers with.
Dogs can have erections at any age. But very few have them before 5 months.
Babies can have erections actually but the real ones comes when you've entered puberty.
We have erections when we get excited and if sex doesnt excite u then something wrong.
If you are getting proper erections 4-6 inches and very hard then yes, you are.
There are vibrating condom rings that are put on condoms and vibrate but not condoms that actually vibrate themselves
No there are no Nutella condoms but what a great idea.
Yes they can. Erections are not only caused during sexual arousal. They can do it while scared, bored or excited.
Not really it depeneds
You cant its not a TOY....
Do not try to do this.