Cell phones can be repaired and the price depends on the type of phone. You can either go to a local repair shop or go online to an online repair service. One online service worth trying is http://www.cellphonerepair.net/.
To get a mobile phone repaired Best Buy would be a good bet to get it repaired for cheap. Also you should try the phone providers store to fix the phone.
get it repaired you idiot
No, portable cell phone chargers will not harm your phone. I've used wall chargers and cigarette lighter chargers with phones and never had any problems related to them.
Shop online for cell phone chargers and adapters at BestBuy dot com. Find battery packs, car chargers, wall chargers, usb chargers, combo deals and more..
Yes, refurbished cell phones can save you money because you can get a top of the line phone for half the price. If you purchase a replacement plan or a warranty, you can have the phone repaired or replaced if there is a problem with the phone.
There are a few places to find phone chargers. Verizonwireless.com sells phone chargers, you can also go on ebay.com to find a phone charger, they may be a little cheaper.
you may have to take it to a sprint store and have them look at it. There could be many different things wrong with it.
You should report this to the phone company. If you still have a warranty on it you can get it replaced. If not then it is probably dead.
Will Smith Will Smith
yes they do!!
Cell Phone Wireless Chargers