In a word: no.
Unnatural Birth Control, such as condoms, are forbidden in the Catholic faith. This is because Catholics believe that God created sex with the purpose of producing children; since birth control isolates the pleasure of sex from its purpose, birth control is both wrong and self-centered.
Catholics are, however, allowed to space their children if they can not support any more at the time, but only through 2 natural methods: abstaining from sex, or using NFP (Natural Family Planning). When using NFP, the woman monitors her menstrual period to see when she ovulates, and can thereby choose whether or not to engage in sex. Pamphlets and guides to NFP can often be found in Catholic book stores or online.
If they are practicing Catholics they could not use condoms.
There is no use for withdrawal when using condoms. If you are afraid of the condom being burst then use a spermicide along with condoms. No I have my beautiful baby boy because of the failure of this exact thing...
The reason why most people use condoms is to prevent them from having babiie's, most likely teens use condoms ;P
They do not use condoms
Catholics, Orthodox and Anglicans practice canonization but the Catholics use it more frequently.
Using condoms will help prevent the likelihood of pregnancy and the transfer of sexually transmitted infections.
Not only Ukrainian Catholics use icons - many Catholics across the world do! They are simply a visual representation of important people for different people.
be safe, use condoms
use condoms or abstain.