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Well, honey, I hate to burst your bubble, but blowing out candles and making a wish won't magically make your dreams come true. Birthday wishes are more about hope and positivity than actual wish-granting fairies. So, keep on wishing, but also put in the hard work to make those dreams a reality.

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15y ago

Yes, birthday wishes can come true, especially if you wish for something that is already likely to happen. For example, if your two older brothers received dirt bikes for their 11th birthdays and you wish for a dirt bike for your 11th birthday, history would indicate that your wish just might come true.

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Q: Can birthday wishes come true
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This question is hard to answer, it is a personal opinion on whether wishes can come true or not. The answer is not factual merely opinion. In my opinion a birthday wish for love cannot come true due to personal experience that birthday wishes do not come true.

Why does wishes do not come true?

Wishes do not come true for people who do not put their efforts into their wishes. Putting a little initiative or effort might make your wishes come true.

May all your Birthday Wishes come true in Flemish?

"Mag al jouw verjaardagswensen uitkomen."

How do you make a wish without wishing on a star and for it to come true?

Wishes do not come true. However, I shall entertain this rather silly request. Try birthday candles.

Where did Birthday wishes come from?

They come from the people that wish for them.

Are birthday wishes real?

Yes, Sometimes yes. (Well, it SOMETIMES be a coincidence!) It doesnt matter if it is true or not, but just make a wish, and you never know it might come TRUE!!

How do you get your wishes to come true if you are not religious?

You don't have to be religious to have wishes and whose to say that only the religious have wishes come true? What we do makes wishes come true. If I wish to go to Paris, France then it is up to me to do the things I need to do to get there. Action brings action and not sitting around dreaming about something.

Can wishes actually come true?

Wishes can come true, so long as what you wish for is possible. But wishing for something will not affect your chances of getting it.

Can you make a wish come true with a candle?

No. I imagine you have blown out birthday candles and made a wish. Did it come true? I have been blowing out birthday candles for many years and not one has come true. If wishes came true with something so simple all of us everyday would be blowing out candles . Wishes come true through our efforts and work in life. They are called goals. If you want good grades you can get them by working for them. If you want to take a trip you can do it by saving for the trip. Everything in life takes effort on the part of the person who wants it or lives it. It is the things we do that decides what happens to us. We decide our fate, dreams, and wishes.

How to make wishes come true without a candle?

Only hard work and effort can make most wishes come true. Other wishes - especially over things we cannot control - cannot come true by our efforts alone, whether with or without candles.

What birthday wishes and message for 7 year old girl?

On your birthday, special one, I wish that all your dreams come true. May your day be filled with joy, Wonderful gifts and goodies, too.

Can your wish come true?

Definatly. Wishes come true all the time. Let's hope mine and your come true some time.