Yes. it can do a number of things, you might call your doctor if it is not acting normal.
There is no medical reason that women need to have monthly bleeding and many women take BCP just for the side effect of not having a monthly cycle or having one that is very light. Once you stop taking the pill your period will return, usually in the first month of being off the pill.
Unless you are taking a pill that is designed to stop your period, (the type that has 4 weeks of "active" hormones vs 21 days of hormones and 7 "sugar pills") most women do not stop having their period within the first month of taking oral contraception.
If you missed any pills, or didn't use back up protection for the first 7 days, taking a pregnancy test would be a good step, to rule out any possibility of pregnancy. If the test is negative - just relax. The BCP are working!
It's very unlikely that you'd have a normal period the first month off birth control (I'm assuming by 'birth control' what you actually mean is the combination pill - please don't use these terms interchangeably, there are many forms of birth control!). Your first 'period' will be your withdrawal bleed as normal, but after that it may take a few months to get a real period again. It can also take up to 12 months for your cycles to regulate again once you stop using hormonal birth control.
You will begin your period the next month as usual, except more on target. you are supposed to start the birth control the first Sunday after you get your period, so you are doing it right.
Birth control can cause this to happen don't worry
can you get pergnent if you took birth control pills only twice last month then had your period but had unprotected sex after your period will you get your period the next month??
Yes you should
Yes birth control changes your cycle causing your body to have to adjust to the birth control after a few weeks it should become a normal schedule.
If this is your first month on birth control and you have not missed any pills, then see your Doctor. If you have missed pills or took too many pills, then this is why your period hasn't arrived. A period not arriving during the first month of birth control is not uncommon and can be due to your body becomming used to the medication or pregnancy. If you had unprotected intercourse during the first month of taking birth control then I would recommend you perform a pregnancy test.
You can change the time your period comes the following month if you are on certain types of birth control. For example, finishing a pack of birth control pills early will make your period come earlier the next month.
When you first start taking birth control, your period may arrive or it may not. Its different in every woman. If your period doesn't arrive this month then don't worry as its a common occurrance in the first month of birth control. Continue taking your pills as normal.
It shouldn't if you take it properly. Birth control can be used to make your period more predictable & controlled. For example, I prefer my period at the beginning of the month because I expect it then. Mentally I just know new month, period is coming.
It depends on the type of birth control. Sometimes after starting it, it could be longer than normal, and sometimes it will disappear the first month. Sometimes it will be normal, and sometimes is will be shorter.