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Only if you are too skinny and stop having your periods. You need a certain amount of body fat to ovulate.

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Q: Can being skinny make it harder to get pregnant?
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hpv does not make it harder to get or stay pregnant and it should not affect the health of your future babies. the presence of hpv itself should not affect your ability to get pregnant.

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Can skinny girls have big stomachs?

Yes because the belly fat could be from the parents And also make them look pregnant which is hot

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being fat

Is Victoria Justice pregnant?

According to Facebook she is Cally no if you go to google images.No, she's not.

What does a pregnant minor have to do to become emancipated in Oklahoma?

Oklahoma seldom grants 'the right to contract' to a minor. Being pregnant does not make it easier, probably makes it harder. It sure doesn't show the courts that you have the ability and the intelligence to take care of yourself and the child with proper housing and income.

Foreign pregnant woman pregnant by American citizen?

Congratulations. If you're wondering if that'll speed up or ensure your citizenship. No. But it won't make it any harder either.

Is being called chicken legs bad?

if your skinny and someone calls you that, it could be both good and bad. if they make fun of you by saying that then they are probably jealous of that skinny person.