If she has her period and had sex and got pregnant - although that wouldn't be an ideal circumstance.
They spend three years being birth mothers, and give birth to one baby each year.
it takes 1 year to give birth to a moose
All bats are mammals due to the fact that they give birth to live young and suckle them. Most species give birth to one baby a year.
that is not right thing to the mother MUST have a say it is her child she give birth to a baby NOT YOU
It is best to wait at least a year to try to get pregnant again so your body can fully heal before going thru the same rough process again. If you get pregnant soon after having a baby the chances of losing the baby or having a pre-term birth are higher.
According to the Central Florida Zoo in Sanford, Florida, "Spider monkeys give birth at any time of the year"
Sloths give birth to a single baby once a year after a gestation period of around six months. The mother sloth typically gives birth while hanging upside down in a tree. The baby clings to the mother's belly fur immediately after birth and remains with her for several months until it becomes more independent.
That the baby be raised in a safe environment. They are both minors, they have no rights.
Crabeater Seals only give birth to one seal at a time, and gestation period is so long they only give birth every other year. The gestation period averages over 250 days.
The reproduction of panda bears are done when a female and male panda are in love and choose each other as there mate and then after about a year they will get a baby.They will give birth to the baby panda like how humans give birth to human babies.I hope you like the answer.