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What country do you live in? If in the US, what state? Different areas have different rules about the ages of two people being intimate together, and if you do so it could be considered illegal and equal jail time for the 21 year old if someone reports it (such as the 16 year old's parents). Please give more information so that we can answer your question better.

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Q: Can an 21 year old date and a 16 year old?
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Is illegal a 21 years old guy date a 16 year old girl in VA?

no it is not illegal four a 21 year old and a 16 year old to be going out.

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First of all, where did you get the idea that a person can become a manager at 21 and girls is employed at 16. Anyways, it is illegal for office colleagues to date.

If you are 16 can you date a 21 year old?

if your in love yes you can as your legal its aloud :)

Would Chris Brown date a 16 yr old?

No Chris Brown would not date a 16 year old because he is 21 year old. The 16 year old is still a minor and Chris Brown is an adult. Chris Brown would get arrested for dating a 16 year old.

Can a 21 year old date a 16 year old in pa?

yes but if you two were to have sexual relations then it would be illegal

Is it legal for a 16 year old to date a 21 year old in California?

I think it is as long as they don't do anything Illegal.

If it's illegal for a 21 year old to date a 15 year old but if the 15 year old is turning 16 the age of consent can they date then?

yes it is illegal to be dating a 21 year old when 15. its legal when your 16 than u can date who ever you want, Inless sexual contact wit him/her than him/her can go to prison for rape

Can a 21-year-old male date a 16-year-old female in Ohio?

Dating is never a legal problem. And the age of consent in Ohio is 16.

IM 21 CAN you DATE a 16 year old in Pennsylvania?

The age of consent in Pennsylvania is yes.

Is it legal for a 16 year old to date someone at the age of 21 in NC?

no cause they are only 16 and illegal