Whether a young boy can make a bay depends on how young the boy is. If he has not gone through puberty and his "systems" are not fully matured then he cannot make a baby. If he is well along into puberty he may be able to do that..
The same way you make a girl baby
Pingu is a young boy but he has a baby sister named Pinga.
If you mean boy and girl, the young ones who haven't reached their reproductive maturity, they cannot have a baby. Otherwise, yes they can have a baby.
Duck make baby at 6 p.m.
Boy as young as that like pants not pusst
Baby Boy - Pregnant Sim eat Apples Baby Girl - Pregnant Sim eat Watermelons.
People have babies by having sex. They cannot really cause themselves to have a boy or girl at will; it is a random process. So, while you can make a baby, you are not going to know when you make that baby, whether it is a boy or a girl. You will find out in due course.
No he is not in young money cause you never see usher with young money singing and also he is taking a break with his wife and baby boy, so that is a no.
To whom it may concern ; No, having a baby can not make a boy fall in love with you. Love should happen between the two people before a baby is even a thought.
make her happy feed her change her and bathe her then it'll work