Unless she has fully gone through Menopause there is a risk. The risk for miscarriage is bigger though.
It is rare for a woman to become pregnant at 49 but it possible. If a woman is still releasing eggs and having intercourse, she can become pregnant. Generally after menopause a female won't get pregnant but it's possible.
I have read that the optimal age is 23.
Unless she has reached menopause fully, yes.
A woman's ability to become pregnant is not dependent on her age. It is a question of whether the woman's body is able and far enough developed to become pregnant. Typically the availability to become pregnant is tied closely to the beginning of a woman's menstrual cycle which typically does not happen until puberty (generally between the age of 12 - 14).
As a general rule, yes- some women suffer early menopause, which means that their ability to become pregnant ceases at an unfortunately early age, but most women remain fertile at 49 years of age and even beyond this.
A woman of any age could get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation - although during menstruation there is no egg to fertilise a woman may still be fertile (producing fertile cervical mucus) so sperm may survive up to 7 days, by which time the woman may have ovulated and thus could become pregnant.
Each woman is different and for some it is harder.
yes- if she has her period now and then
Yes they can get pregnant at the age of 48,I meet a friend mother that had her brother at the age of 49. And I became pregnant at the age of 46 natural without any kind of treatment. And my grandmother at the age of 43 and 44 my uncle is alive and kicking.
No you do not have to be a certain age, although you are more likely to get it when you are vulnerable for example, a pregnant woman. (i think)
The age of majority in New York is 18, therefore it is not relevant if the young woman is pregnant or not when it pertains to her being of legal age.
A woman can get pregnant up to age (approximately) 50 without help as in hormone treatments and artificial methods. This is individual and do depend a bit on when the menopause "kicks" in.Some woman even get pregnant naturally even after the menopause have started but this is not very common. This just to tell that a woman is not considered sterile even after starting menopause.However:A woman should try to have children before the age of 40. There are for most woman increased difficulty in becoming pregnant after this age.Downs Syndrome is also increasingly more commonly found in babies born by "older" women. The percentage of babies born with Down syndrome slowly increase after age of 40.It is very well possible for older woman (after 50) to become pregnant, but this would include hormonal treatment and egg from a donor.