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yes u can. there can be a number of reasons that a woman has vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. always consult a doctor or midwife for further information. the best evidence that i can provide of my knowledge of this experience is me! my mother had vaginal bleeding during both her pregnancies of myself and my younger sister, so . . . as we both exist healthily and happily!

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Q: Can a woman carry out a pregnancy with vaginal bleeding?
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Can a woman have a pregnancy test while she has vaginal bleeding?

yes she can its pretty obvious

How common is it that a woman can have vaginal bleeding every month during pregnancy?

Very rare

Can a woman still take a pregnancy test if she's experiencing vaginal bleeding?

Yes she can as it will be her morning urine that is tested, nothing with her vagina.

Does pregnancy make a woman's vaginal fluids watery?

Yes, increase in vaginal moisture is normal in pregnancy.

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An IUD with levonorgestrel is indicated for a woman who wants to avoid pregnancy and is happy for the opportunity to have minimal or absent vaginal bleeding. It's also indicated for women who want to decrease heavy menstrual bleeding while using an IUD for pregnancy prevention.

Is it possible for a woman to have vaginal bleeding her entire pregnancy and mistake it for her period and never know she was pregnant?

It is very possible for a pregnant woman to continue with her monthly cycle throughout the entire pregnancy. Although they should seek medical advice as bleed could be caused by something else

What is wrong if you do not have a period for three months and then it comes heavy with dark blood?

Most likely it is You should really see your doctor. What are the causes of bleeding? Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is always of some concern. Significant bleeding (soaking a pad or more) after 20 weeks of pregnancy is referred to as an Antepartum Haemorrhage (or 'APH'). Lesser amounts of blood loss may be referred to as 'spotting' or 'scant loss'. Vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks of pregnancy is generally referred to as a 'threatened miscarriage'. You can read more about this in bleeding during early pregnancy. The main causes of vaginal bleeding after 20 weeks of pregnancy that could amount to an antepartum haemorrhage (if heavy enough) are bleeding from the woman's cervix or her vaginal area (about 50 - 60% of the time), a low-lying placenta known as 'placenta previa' (about 20- 25% of the time), the placenta separating from the wall of the uterus, known as 'placental abruption' (about 20- 25% of the time) or unusual conditions known as 'vasa previa' or 'velamentous Insertion'(

Is a period during pregnancy and pregnancy symptoms hereditary?

A period during pregnancy is not hereditary however it is never a normal period. It's simply a light period or vaginal bleeding. Pregnancy symptoms are not hereditary. Every woman will experience different pregnancy symptoms and the same woman may have different symptoms in different pregnancies. There are things that go on during pregnancy which can be symptomatic and hereditary, but these are separate from the symptoms which indicate pregnancy.

What is Nursing care plan for abnormal vaginal bleeding?

Abnormal vaginal bleeding can be treated with medication to stop the bleeding and then contraceptives maybe required to reset their normal cycle. A woman with bleeding that carries on after medication will require further investigative procedures to find out the cause.

What are the symptoms of hydatidiform mole?

a normal pregnancy for the first three or four months. However, in these cases the uterus will grow abnormally fast. By the end of the third month, if not earlier, the woman will experience vaginal bleeding

If a woman does have a period during pregnancy does it become lighter and what color is it usually?

If you know for sure that you are pregnant, it is probably not going to be your period, although some women have experienced a "first" period then learns a couple of weeks later that they really are pregnant. It is possible that it could be implantation bleeding caused by the fertilized egg to attach itself to the uterine wall. Or it could be a cervical change that can cause vaginal bleeding. Vaginal bleeding can also be a symptom of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Another cause for bleeding during pregnancy is a miscarriage although the first two reasons for bleeding are more common, it is still a good idea to contact your doctor if you are too concerned.

What is loop used for woman to avoid pregnancy?

"Loop?" It's called the vaginal ring.