Only the first sperm influences what happens so it is physically impossible.
Yes. Such cases are reported. This condition is called as superfecundation.
Not at the same time to create a single baby. But it is possible that if the woman has two eggs then two different men can fertilize them, resulting in fraternal twins that are half-brothers.
Nothing. Men do not have symptoms when a woman is pregnant.
Woman and men are equally the same at karate if they practise the same amount of time.
well if you find the effect to a woman then basically change it to a man because the effects are the same unless a woman is pregnant then it is different
Men can not get pregnant - neither individually nor in pairs.
If the vasectomy was successful then no the woman cannot become pregnant.
Most of the time you can. Usually it's the men that get pregnant but sometimes the woman do.
Bukkake is a Japanese word used when many men cum on a woman at the same time.
Answer Any woman who loves two men at the same time doesn't know what she wants in a relationship, she's lost in her ownself and needs some professsional help to help her decide what's best for her in life.
A man is never too old to get a woman pregnant. Men , unlike women , are fertile from puberty until death.