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That depends on which water pill and which Birth Control pill. Contact your health care provider or pharmacist for advice specific to your situation. Do not take that combination without checking first.

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Q: Can a water pill and birth control pills be taken together?
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Do barbiturates affect birth control?

Birth control pills may not work properly when taken while barbiturates are being taken

Can birth control pills and appetite suppressant be taken together?

I depends on the brand/dosage of each medication. I recommend asking your doctor.

What are the types of birth control pills that can be taken only once in a month?

tHE ONES PRECETIVE BY THE DOCTOR they may be medication pills morainter pills and emsovia pills

Do cephalosporins affect the birth control pill?

Birth control pills may not work properly when taken at the same time as cephalosporins. To prevent pregnancy, other methods of birth control should be used in addition to the pills while taking cephalosporins.

Does aciphex affect birth control?

Aciphex mat affect birth control in some instances. This is because it affects other medicines taken and would therefore interfere with birth control pills.

Does singular reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills?

No Singulair (montelukast) has no effect on birth control pill. It can be taken at the same moment (or in the same day) regularly.

What are the interactions with a hormonal IUD and birth control pills?

There are no clinical situations I can imagine that would require the hormonal IUD and birth control pills. Taken together, they are providing more progestin than is required to prevent pregnancy or reduce menstrual bleeding. Contact your health care provider for advice specific to your situation.

If im starting to take your new birth control pills and your period comes on the 14 but you started taken them on the 12 will that stop your period?

Answering "If im starting to take your new birth control pills and your period comes on the 14 but you started taken them on the 12 will that stop your period?"

Is it safe to take vicodin on birth control?

Vicodin and birth control pills should not be taken together. Medication like Vicodin can limit the effectiveness of birth control pills causing them not to work as well.

What happens when you take three birth control pills at once?

Nothing. There is no need to take 3 at once because you won't be protected any more than if you took one. Birth control pills are hormones that when taken for a month will help protect you from pregnancy . They have to be taken everyday to work.

What are the sugar pills for in the birth control pill pack?

The sugar pills are just placebo pills, meaning that they have no intended purpose other than to act as place holders. Because birth control pills are to be taken every day, some women need the placebo pills to keep the routine going. They offer no other purpose.

What are the potential interactions and side effects when using penicillin and birth control together?

When penicillin is taken with birth control pills, it can reduce the effectiveness of the birth control, increasing the risk of pregnancy. This interaction occurs because penicillin can speed up the breakdown of hormones in the birth control pills. It is recommended to use additional contraceptive methods while taking penicillin to prevent pregnancy. Additionally, common side effects of penicillin include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and allergic reactions.