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Q: Can a warden arrest you for marijuana?
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Related questions

What do the police do about marijuana?

They arrest you if you have possesion of it.

What does POM stand for in an arrest?

possession of marijuana

How long will an arrest for marijuana sale remain on your record?

for life

If your high but do not have any marijuana on you can the cops arrest you?

They can if you are driving. Other wise they cant test you.

What is Marijuana possession in the third degree?

That is going to depend on what legal Jurisdiction you are in. What Country, county, city, etc. , and the amount of Marijuana in your possession the time of your arrest.

What are the consequences for being caught with magic mushrooms in Canada?

There are some in Canada who've tried to "decriminalize" marijuana unsuccessfully. Marijuana use and possession is still illegal with an arrest equivalent to that of a misdemeanor arrest in the US.

How many grams of marijuana before an arrest?

If you have more than 2 oz, ur going to jail

Can you arrest a JAIL warden?

He could be arrested by the proper authorities if they have the evidence that he has acted unlawfully. If you are a citizen report your suspicions to the authorities. If you are an inmate: are you kidding?

Is it possible that a cop could simply not arrest you?

If a minor is pulled over and found with marijuana in Ohio, is it possible that a cop could simply not arrest you? If the cop doesn't say "you are under arrest" but calls the station to call your parents and pick you up, is it possible you really aren't under arrest? If you are told that a letter will be sent to you after lab results were taken on the marijuana telling you the situation, and you did not recieve it within 60 days or even at all, would that person be "free"?

What is the job of a Game Warden?

Game Warden are officials responsible for enforcing laws such as ensuring that licensing requirements are met by hunters, trappers and fishermen. In some areas, officers may be responsible for conducting investigations of hunting related homicides which leads to arrest of individuals.

Can a police seize the marijuana plant and arrest you for posession?

This question is very broad, but, assuming they have probable cause, yes. Possession of Marijuana is a crime in most areas, and the police may seize the evidence.

Can you get arrested for smoking marijuana in your backyard?

Possibly, Marijuana itself is illegal, but your backyard is also your private property. I mean most likely nobody is going to barge into your backyard and arrest you, but be cautious of neighbors.