Your question needs some work- as written, has no meaning. A shotgun marked 3 inch can shoot 2 3/4 inch shells, or 3 inch. A gun marked 2 3/4 inch can only shoot those- no 3 inch shells.
Yes, shorter shells are no problem.
The 69 is the Police version of the 67 In like new condition they are worth about $200 down to about $50 in less condition
i am pretty sure they are 3" You can shoot 2 and 3/4 in.shells in the 1100 3"mag but, the shot weight has to be at least an ounce and 1/4 for it to cycle {fire,eject and chamber the next shell} properly.
Not if you want to continue living.
The difference is that the Remington 1100 3 inch mag will take three inch mangnum loads and shorter where one that doesn't say 3 inch on the barrel will only take two and three quarter inch shotshells or smaller.Trying to put a three inch inch a gun that is not designed to will cause extreme stress on the barrel and will get jamed in a pump or automatic shotgun.
If a shot has a 3inch chamber it will also shoot - 2 3/4 inch shells..
A browning auto-5 light twelve shotgun is selling for between 340-650 dollars.If your shotgun has a vent rib barrel then the price would be between 400-925 dollars depending on the overall condition of your shotgun.
Purchased mine in 1968 $220.00 Sold 1974 $185.00 Best guess 2007 $650.00-$700.00 (or what you can get for it)
12-70 is frequently used to indicate the gauge of the shotgun followed by the length of the chamber in millimeters. In the US, or non-metric measurements, that means a 12 gauge shotgun chambered for 2.75 inch (usually read two and three quarter inch) shells. Sometimes, you'll see 12-76 to designate a 12 gauge shotgun chambered for 3 inch shells.
It will fit on the frame but the action will not function with 3 inch shells.
Impossible to answer withou a DETAILED description of ALL markings, gauge, barrel length, finish, condition, box, papers, history.