Not unless your a hermaphrodite...
no i dont think so
Yes just a very odd one
Hermaphodites are very rare. They are generally sterile as are many abnormal people ( nature has its safety valves) Okay I know about stud mules, but you are referring to humans. I don"t think a female Hermaphrodite could get pregnant, generally their female sexual organs are well, underdeveloped. A pick-up truck is certainly a truck but cannot handle the work of a l6-ton Mack, so to speak.
She male no, Hermaphrodite yes
True Hermaphrodite
No. The real term is hermaphrodite. They have both reproductive organs but usually only the testes work or the ovaries but never both
The Hermaphrodite was created in 1847.
True hermaphrodite hyena do. Females with pseudo sheaths do not. And, yes the can and do bear youngsters.
no this i not true,if you have a cat you can get pregnant if you want
No it's not true, she can get pregnant.