Yes, they most certainly can. Some people know from a very young age that they are homosexual. Some do not discover that about themselves until they are much older.
Yes, anyone can be gay, bisexual or straight. It is not the fault of the person which way they are born to be. Try not worrying about it as it will make no difference and it should make no difference. You are who you are and it is up to everyone else to accept it. Whether they do or not is not your problem but theirs. Just be you and enjoy it.
Sexual orientation typically begins to emerge during the teenage years, so it would be uncommon for a ten-year-old to have a fully formed understanding of their sexual orientation. However, it is important to support children in exploring their identities in a safe and understanding environment. If a child expresses feelings or questions about their sexual orientation, it is important to listen to them and provide guidance and support.
With Beyblades.
Where is that?
yes im a ten year old girl and i way 65 ibs.
a ten year old boy
the right answer is 95 to 105 pounds is a right for a ten year old girl
Buy him a gaming console!
A ten year old can explore animals or maybe find a rare bird.
No that is illegal.
With their lips.
at a dance ask them
do you mean weight? A ten year old girl should weigh in between 80-94 pounds.