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Yes, a straight man can possibly love a gay man as a friend, but nothing more than that because of the fact his friend is homosexual and he is heterosexual.

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Q: Can a straight man love a gay man?
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Can a straight man fall in love with a gay man?

No, although a straight man can love a gay man as a best friend.

Where is a gay man who is secretly in love with straight woman?

There is probably no such thing a gay man who is secretly in love with a straight woman, except as the equivalent of a straight man's "man crush" where he really likes the woman as a friend.

Can a gay man fall in love with a straight?

Yes, it's possible, just like a straight man could fall in love with a lesbian woman.

Is it possible that men will love gay people?

If by "men" you mean straight men then yes it is entirely possible for a staight man to love a gay man or even another straight man without being gay himself. This does not mean however that the straight man suddenly becomes a gay man and neither does it indicate that the man is bisexual. It simply means that he is attracted to a certain male but is still strictly attracted to girls.

Is it possible for a straigth man fall in love with a gay?

No. Being gay is genetic. If your straight it's nearly impossible.

How should a gay man tell a possibly straight man that he is in love with him?

tell him you love him if he says gross try to make a joke out of it.

Can a Straight woman love a gay man?

Yes, but this will only end badly for the woman.

Can a straight man ever love a woman who was once married to a gay man?

Yes, unless the man is completely shallow.

What would a gay man be like straight?

if a gay man was "like straight" he'd be like straight........

When was Straight Plan for the Gay Man created?

Straight Plan for the Gay Man was created in 2004.

If a man has had a sexual experience with another man but claims to be straight and has been with women is he gay?

People experiment sexually all the time but what makes you gay, straight or bi is who you fall in love with so you really have to trust him on his word.

What if a straight man has gay thoughts?

A person who identifies as straight, but has some gay thoughts, might be bisexual, or he might be straight and curious. But if this man has only gay thoughts, he's actually a gay man who is confused.