Yes- but if is a RIFLED slug barrel, expect horrible accuracy. The rifling imparts a spin that will make the shot spread in a "doughnut" pattern- hole in the middle.
Depending on where Hamilton is the answer could be yes or no.
Yes, if it is a 10 gauge shotgun.
No of course not. What else would u shoot deer with using a gun?
Yes you can. Lead Shot is Lead Shot. I shoot all kinds of different sizes of shot out of my Mossberg and Remington Shotguns. What you do not want to do is shot a slug out of barrel made for shot. Get a rifled barrel for that.
Youve got the wrong gun If u want to shoot slugs get a air rifle or a slug gun
Yes it will shoot slugs and buckshot, some use them as a deer gun.
Do not try it, the likelihood of the gun exploding in your hands is very high.
You can shoot a rifled slug out of a smooth bored barrels only. You want to have an improved or modified choke on when shooting a rifled slug. It helps the rotaion and accuracy of the slug. Never use a rifled slug in a rilfed barrel. You could destroy your gun if the rilfing in the gun and slug do not match. This is not a gamlbe I am willing to take with any of my guns.
How 'bout a slug or buckshot.
Depends on projectile size. # 9 shot probably won't travel 200 yards, but 00 or 000 buckshot or a deer slug might travel over a mile.