Yes, there are no laws for dating, it is up to your parents. There are laws for sex though where the minor must have reached age of consent or if there are close in age exemptions.
no not at all as long as your under 18
There is no prohibition on dating.
I don't see any reason why not. i agree
There are no restrictions on dating. There are restrictions on the age at which sexual activity may begin, but that is different from dating.
No sex. Sorry!
Definitely not.
The youngest you can marry in some states is 15 with parents permission.
Yes but you might have to break up when turned 18 because the parents can file reports on you in som circumstances
No a seventeen year old can not date a eleven year old. The reason why is because their is a very big age difference and that would be aganst that law
yes. because the girl is not an adult yet.
No it is not illegal to date, however if sexual intercourse is involved then it is a different issue. No it is not illegal for a 14 year old male to "date" a 17yr old female. It may seem weird to some people, but neither party can get into legal trouble over a relationship with those circumstances.