It's fine in moderation but with coffee especially you should not drink too much or quit since it has the most caffeine in it.
Peppermint tea is better than black tea for pregnant woman to drink right after dinner.
Some Hindu's drink tea and coffee and some Hindu's don't.
tea, coffee wouldn't be imported tell later
No. Ancient Romans did not even know of Tea or Coffee.
We do drink tea, but its usually cold tea. and in the mornings coffee sometimes wakes you up better.
30 people is the answer
Iced Tea Iced Coffee Italian Coffee Irish Coffee Iced Tea Iced Coffee Italian Coffee Irish Coffee
Tea, coffee, water or lemonade.
No,because its good to drink tea but coffee no,because coffee is bad for your heart
Who ever wrote this question is wrong my friend's mom drinks a lot of Indian tea and sometimes coffee. They are suppose to drink tea. this is the right answer.
They would drink tea mostly, but they would also drink "chickory coffee."
Pavel does not drink tea, perhaps he likes Coffee.