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Holly &^%$ what is a 17 year old doing screwing a child? I hope you are not bro and sis! You don't need to get married you need to get therpy. ****** No, you cannot. The minimum age to marry in GA is 16 (and that's with parental consent). But he can be charged with statutory rape, and the pregnancy makes it a very easy case to prove.

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9mo ago

No, both parties must be at least 16 years old to marry in Georgia, even with parental consent.

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If a girl of 16 is pregnant in Georgia can she marry without parent permission?

No. A few years they could, but GA has wisely changed that law. Now, pregnant or not, a minor has to have parental permission in order to marry in GA.

Can a pregnant sixteen year old girl marry a nineteen year old boy in Georgia?

Not if the live in Norway.

In what states is it legal to marry without parental consent if you are 16 and pregnant?

Georgia will provide a license with a doctor's certification. But they will inform the parents.

Can a minor marry an adult in Georgia if they a pregnant?

In the state of Georgia, a minor of the age of 16 or 17 can marry an adult with parental consent. In no case will a minor under the age of 16 be permitted to marry an adult.In 2006, the state legislature eradicated the loophole in the law allowing couples of any age to marry without parental consent in the case of pregnancy. This is no longer allowed.

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With medical proof of the pregnancy, Georgia will issue a marriage license.

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Pregnant minors in GA cannot marry without parental consent. A few years ago they could, but GA has since changed that law.

Can a Alabama pregnant 16 year old without parental consent go to Georgia and marry a 16 year old with parental consent?

no she cant

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No, but the 18-year-old can be charged with statutory rape.

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In Georgia if you marry out of state do you take Georgia certificate to Florida to marry?

No, you get a marriage license in the state you wish to get married in. If you are from Georgia, and you travel to Florida to get married, you will need to get a Florida license.

Can a 17 year old girl marry a 21 year old guy in the state of Georgia?

Yes she can marry in Georgia. She will have to have parental permission.

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