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Yes, but usually by then the doctors would have induced the pregnancy. Meaning they would give you a shot to make you start dilating.

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Q: Can a pregnancy be delayed by 2 months at the beginning?
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Girls period delayed for 2 months?

Can be a sign of pregnancy. But it is completely normal that the female period varies from time to time. It can be a product of unhealthy lifestyle. Always take a pregnancy-test if you're in doubt.

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At 2 months of pregnancy, the average size of a woman's stomach is about the size of a grapefruit.

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Are you serious? you need to get yourselves a pregnancy test

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About 2 months into prenancy.

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Cows pregnancy is closest to a human pregnancy by number of gestation days . Cow gestation roughly 9 1/2 months. Human gestation roughly 9 months

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You don't? You're already pregnant

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no, 18 months

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No periods in last 2 months is it necessary its pregnancy?

dont take a home pregnancy test to be sure.