They have the ability to run firearms serial numbers, but to simply do it as a favour for a friend is considered improper, highly unprofessional, and a misuse of police resources, the last of those reasons which could end up causing that officer to be reprimanded or even dismissed from their job.
Yes, as long as he knows the serial number.
You can't. A police officer can.
Sagar is the name of the police officer
i need the serial number for police me!
if it's a police positive 38 special then it was made about 1939
if your revolver is an official police 22 cal. model then it was made in 1947
About 1913 for a Colt police positive special with that serial number.
A Colt police positive .38 with that serial number was made in 1930. A Colt police positive special with that serial number was made in 1928.
A Colt police positive .38 with that serial number was made in 1931 and a Colt police positive special with that serial number was made in 1928.
Colt official police with that serial number was made in 1937.
A Colt official police with that serial number was made in 1929.
That serial number would put it as an Official Police made in 1968