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If the person is a felon, no. In the United States, felons cannot own or possess firearms at any time. If it is not for a felony, it depends on the terms of the probation, but the answer is, probably not.

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Q: Can a person on probation sis still own firearms?
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If a felony conviction is expunged cant the person still own firearms in state of Arkansas?

No, they cannot.

What happens with someone skips bond and on probation already?

Probation violation you will go to jail. An still owe on fines an still will be own probation

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Two of the forerunners of probation are judicial reprieve and bail. A third forerunner of probation is for a person to be released on their own recognizance.

What is forerunners of probation?

Two of the forerunners of probation are judicial reprieve and bail. A third forerunner of probation is for a person to be released on their own recognizance.

Can i own a gun while on misdemeanor probation?

Actually, it depends on the circumstances. If you are on probation for some sort of felony, you can no longer own a gun unless you have your rights restored. If you are on probation for something other than a felony, it depends on what the crime was and the terms of your probation are.

Can a DUI felon own a hand gun?

Ask the person's probation officer.

Does A probation officer still come to your house when your on mail in probation?

Theoretically yes: a probation officer can still come to your house or visit your workplace regardless of what type of probation you are on. However, in most states if you were placed on administrative probation this normally doesn't happen. Administrative probation basically means you are still subject to your terms and conditions of probation but are not being supervised by a probation officer. If you violate any of the standard conditions of administrative probation, it's the same as violating your probation if you were supervised. However, even under those circumstances, you could still get a visit from a probation officer, although that is extremely rare: probation officers have their own caseloads to deal with.

Can a person own a shotgun if he has been in prison?

You will need to find a lawyer who is familiar with firearms law and restoration of firearms ownership.

Can a felon own a air rifle in VA?

Yes, provided that are not on probation or parole, and that it does not violate the terms set by their parole officer. Air rifles are not considered firearms in VA.

What if a felon was on three years of probation and never serve any time can he be allow to own a gun?

No. Probation is a sentence for being adjudged guilty. He is still a convicted felon.

Can you carry or own a gun if another person in the car or house is a felon on probation?

You will need a lawyer for a legal, current and correct answer.

Can excons purchase firearms?

In most jurisdictions, if a person has been convicted of a felony, they can never own a firearm again.