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Q: Can a person convicted of a felony be around guns?
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Is a person convicted of a class 4 felony in Illinois eligible to own guns?

No. Federal law prohibits felons from owning guns.

Can Virginia resident's convicted of a felony have guns in the home?

refer the question to your state prosecutor's office

Can a convicted felon marry an immigrant to get them a green card?

If you're in the US on a green card, and convicted of a felony, you'll be deported.

Can you posses a firearm if you have been convicted of domestic violence in Georgia?

The short answer is, if you are a felon, you can't own a gun. It doesn't matter whether you pled guilty or were found guilty. Felony on your record = no guns.

Your felony was aggrevated burglary can you own long guns for the purpose of hunting?

In the US - NO convicted felon may lawfully possess a firearm under any circumstance.

Can you ever own guns if your a felon?

No. As long as the felony is on your record, a convicted felon may not possess a firearm for any purpose. If the felony is removed at some point, via exhoneration or some other legal means, then it is possible.

Is it legal for someone to take guns from a house of a deceased person if the guns are not registered and there is no proof who the guns actually belong to?

No - that is theft, all the same. Theft of a firearm is a felony.

Can a convicted felon work as a sales person in a pawn shop that sells guns?

No, a convicted felon is not allowed, by law, to work at a business that deals in firearms.

Was charged but not convicted do to medical reasons can they still own a gun in tx of a state felony?

Not sure what you mean, but only a conviction of a felony (or misdemeanor family violence) can limit your possession of a firearm. <><><><> Exception: If a person was found not guilty by reason of insanity, they were likely adjudicated as being mentally incompetent. If so, that IS a bar to possessing or buying guns.

What happens to firearms you already own if you get convicted of a non-violent felony?

Whether a violent or non-violent felony, once a person is convicted, they are no longer allowed to own a firearm. In Texas, five years after the anniversary of the end of your parole or the end of the your prison sentence, you may possess one in your home; however, you may not carry one with you outside.

Can a ex felon hunt in OR who is from CA?

Probably not. Oregon does allow those who have only been convicted of a single felony to possess guns in certain circumstances; it depends on precisely what the felony was, and in most cases they have to have been released at least 15 years ago.

Can a convicted felon live with a person that has a handgun in Indiana?

I do not think so, most states do not permit a convicted felon to be around hand guns. Especially if they are on parole or probation, and the Parole officier can and will come to your home unannounced and if they see that or feel that may be the case, they can violate the parole.