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A nine year old may get her period, but I'm not sure what you mean by sooner - sooner than what? A woman will only start to menstruate when she is due to menstruate, the menstrual cycle cannot be sped up or puberty sped-up to menstruate for the first time before you're ready.

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Q: Can a nine year old get her period sooner?
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Can a nine year old have peirod?

yes nine year olds can get their period

How do a nine year old get her period sooner?

No one can get their period sooner than when they're supposed to. A girl will only reach menarche (first period) when she is physically mature enough to start ovulating, you cannot force your body to mature faster. Everyone develops differently and at different times, the average age of menarche is 13 years old but anything up to 16 years old is considered normal.

When will nine year old get her period?

Most young girls generally get their first period when they're 11+ years old.

What should a ten year old girl eat to end her period early?

There is no way to end your period earlier, no matter what age. Your period will end when it is suppsed to end, nothing that you eat will make your period end any sooner and there is no reason or need to end your period sooner.

Should a nine year old be thinking about her period?

Most girls get their first period when their 12.5, so no.

How can a nine year old get a 6 or 8 pack?

A 9 year old does not need a 6 pack. A 9 year old needs to run a LOT. If he/she runs as much as he/she needs to, they will develop a 6 pack sooner than anyone who does not run as much as they should.

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Can a nine year old kiss a nine year old?

Just go for it! She will love you to bits if you do. And you will be cool!

Will jaden date a nine year old?

No. He is a child and so is a nine year old. It is illegal for them to date.

Can a sixteen year old date a nine year old?


How can 9 year olds get pregnant?

a nine year old only has to have her period and has had SEX to get pregnant. If you ask me it is totally STUPID. ANyway its not my place

What is the average weight of a nine year old?

The average weight of a nine year old is about 65 pounds.