You can try to hang out with people her age. Don't try to convince her that you are mature enough to date her, but don't be too immature.
Basically, yes. Because in a mature relationship, both sides recognize that they need to communicate at some level to preserve the partnership, even when they don't really feel like or want to communicate.
i pretty sure you mean immature and it all depends. It is not really based on wheter a guy is mature or imature but how happy she is when she is around him and how good friends she is with the guy and whether or not she is attracted to him
yes and no. If she knows what she's doing and is mature enough to be in a relationship then it's fine. But if she's not really sure and is immature then i might be dangerous. A lot of times people that age just want a boyfriend and don't take their relationship seriously. So i would take it slow just to make sure.
Well it depends on what u like do you like matuer people or inmature people.
That depends. If you know you are mature and can handle being with a girl without getting horny and wanting something then this is perfectly fine. If you are immature and only want goodies then know this is a bad idea unless you want a baby. Now if the girl is immature then you should probably not invite her over alone quite yet. If you are both mature then go for it. And don't forget that sexual activity under the age of consent can be illegal.
Y boy r so immature in 4th grade because unlike girl boys mature slower then girls at that point in time. So that's y all girls act mature and also girls are going there a hormonal change in there bodies as well unlike the boys that go thoth that at a later time in life.
kiss them
Mature men like a woman to wear whatever complements her body type and makes her look good. Immature men just like to see boobs and butts.
Some people are just immature and do not know how to break up in an adult way and remain friends. Go find someone who's more mature and can value you for who you are!
It means she is immature. If you aren't affected by the break-up then ignore her. It will drive her crazy.
In my opinion, and from my own experience, it means they are immature and will do anything to get attention. They sound like very young teens.