No. In order to get pregnant there has to be sperms and a egg and men don't have eggs.
No, it is either a female if it is pregnant or an over fed male ! Just a fun fact, male seahorses get pregnant, but that is about the only animale where the male does.
Male has no ovaries to get pregnant only sperms in his testies to get pregnant u need eggs in womb which is absent in male
a guinea pig can not get pregnant without a male.
peahens drink peacocks tear's. Then she is pregnant.
male and female what?
Then she isn't pregnant or if she is just put the male away from her
Yes, male and female can but, only in strangetown the male can get pregnant......anywhere else male cannot.
No, a Syrian Hamster needs a male to become pregnant.
The probability that mathematics will make a male pregnant is zero!
Believe it or not, they are male. Thus, they cannot be pregnant
The odds of me being pregnant are 0 as I am male.