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Yes, it can. Take a pregnancy test

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Q: Can a light period mean you are pregnant?
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What does it mean when you bleed before your period?

It could mean you are pregnant, have irregular periods, hormonal imbalance or you have had a light and early period this month for no reason.

Could you be pregnant if your period was light and short for the first time?

could you be pregnant if you period was short and light

Does it mean im pregnant if period was only 3 days short and lighter than usual?

If you have your period, even a light one, you can not be pregnant. It is normal to experience variations in your period on occasion.

How light can your period be while pregnant?

You don't get a period while you're pregnant

If your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?

if your period comes on early does that mean that you are not pregnant?

Can you spot and then come on your period and if so does that mean you are pregnant or can be pregnant?

Yes, & not necessarily. It could be something as simple as an irregular period or a light flow. If you're concerned about being pregnant, buy a home pregnancy test.

Does it mean that you are not pregnant if you have your period?

No that person is not pregnant.

If you had a light period headaches nasea bloating and constipation are you pregnant?

you could be but it could also mean hormonal imbalance

What does it mean if you had a light period for 3 days then two days later you got light blood with thick white mucus-gel?

This may mean that you are pregnant. You need to do a pregnancy test.

Is a light period days before your cycle begins and you get no regular period on that day mean your pregnant?

I've been pregnant twice and both times I got about a 2-4 day period of brown/light colored period with no clots (very light, usually I have 6-7 days with clots and dark blood). Both times I got this right before or right around when I should have gotten my regular period. Then I didnt have anymore bleeding and yes I was pregnant.

Does early period mean your pregnant?


Dont you have to miss a period to be pregnant?

not nessecarily you can have a light or spotting like period for the first due period. in very rare cases you can get a light period for a few mounths or for the full pregnancy!!! if you you think you may be pregnant and have had a light period and other signs just take a test to be sure.