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Legally, sure. Not really sure how healthy of a relationship that is.

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Q: Can a lesbian marry a gay man?
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Can gay marry with lesbian?

If they did then they wouldn't be gay or lesbian now would they?

Can man marry to lesbian?

If lesbian wants to marry man.

Would you rather be gay or lesbian?

You don't have this choice. If you are a gay man, you are a gay man. If you are a gay woman, you are lesbian.

Is ross from friends gay?

No... but he did marry a lesbian woman...

What is the word that is used when a lesbian and a gay start dating to hide there gayness?

When a gay man and a lesbian date to hide being gay, it's called having a beard. A straight woman who acompanies a gay man to an event so that he can hide being gay is also called a beard. There is no special term for a straight man dating a lesbian.

Can an Indian Hindu man marry a kurdish woman?

Yes as per Indian laws you can marry a person of any religion or region or country,theres special marriage act but gay and lesbian marriages are. Illegal

Definition of gay and lesbian families?

A gay or lesbian family would be the same as a traditional family except instead of the parents being a woman and a man, the parents would be a man and a man or a woman and woman.

Would a lesbian and a gay man be attracted to each other?

no, a gay man only likes other men, a gay woman only likes gay wemen

You are a man and you are lesbian so therefore lesbians like girls and you are man so you are a man who likes girls Is this correct?

Men are Gay not Lesbian. Women are Lesbian, and Bisexuals like both Men and Women.

Where in Texas can lesbians get married?

As of June 26, 2015, gay and lesbian people can marry anywhere in Texas.

Was Ma Rainey gay?

Yes she was a lesbian woman but she was married to a man

Who is Audrey le?

A person who is not a gay and lesbian :) She is also awesomethe person who put her as a gay lesbian is a gay lesbian